Saturday, January 19

Born This Way

      Someone recently asked me if I was ever guilty of exercising poor judgement when it came to fashion.  Without any hesitation I instinctively blurted out "Of course not, I was born this way!" The question offended me almost as much as being asked whether my designer handbags are real or if I can spot the difference between an authentic designer bag and a knockoff.  Although that was my instinctive response I soon began to wonder whether I had really made any choices over the years that would have landed me on Joan's Fash-hole of the week list.  I'm happy to say that after much rattling of my brain and reminiscing over old photos that my answer stands as "NO!"  While the average person may be able to conjure up countless regrettable examples of fashion mistakes they have made nothing stands out in my mind.  Now I suppose I could have made such awful decisions in the past that I just blocked them out of my mind forever, but I prefer to go with the conclusion that I really was just born with an innate sense of fashion. 
      I remember being three years old and already having a mind of my own when it came to getting dressed for the day.  My mother would put an outfit on me in the morning and as soon as she walked out of the room I would completely undress myself and put on something that I deemed to be more fashionable.  I would also wear multiple outfits a day because I loved expressing myself through my clothes and wanted to wear things that suited whatever mood I was in at the moment.  This is something that to this day most people are surprised when they learn it about me.  Critics/haters assume that I dress to garner attention from others.  Truth be told I dress for myself and myself only.  I consider self expression through my clothes and accessories to be an art and I am a master at my craft.
          For this reason it amazes me how something that came so naturally to me eludes the HOT MESSES everywhere.  Is it because they just don't care or are they really that clueless?  I almost don't believe that people could be as fashionably challenged as they appear on makeover shows like "How Do I Look?" or "What not to Wear."   I mean I couldn't be that much of a train wreck if I tried.  It really is not that difficult to match colors or prints and to find what actually fits most body types, yet the number of people who I see every day getting it wrong hurts my soul.  While I'm not suggesting that everyone needs to be as fashionable as I or Rachel Zoe (who I'm convinced is the only person who will ever relate to me) I just don't understand why more people aren't born with the very necessary seventh sense, the sense of fashion.  I suppose, however, that I should stop belaboring the point.  Because if it wasn't for dudes like "Big Pimpin" my blog and only form of amusement would like cease to exist.

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